Bond Millen Gallery is an art gallery and art advisory based in Richmond, Virginia known for thoughtfully curating and exhibiting a broad range of contemporary art.  The gallery's mission is to support and promote the work of living artists, introducing them to collectors and fostering a connection to the arts community at large.  We represent a roster of 60+ emerging and mid-career artists, many living and working in the Virginia region.  The gallery operates and exhibits artwork from our two locations based in Richmond where we host engaging events, conversations, and receptions.  We have garnered a nationwide following for our curation of digital catalogs and online exhibitions, enabling us to connect with a wider audience of collectors.  

We believe that art should challenge and inspire.  We view our role as an important one to facilitate art collecting in a way that feels transparent, meaningful, and fun.  

    Page Bond founded what was first known as 'The New Gallery' in 1999 on Nantucket. Page's love of art was...
    Page Bond founded what was first known as "The New Gallery" in 1999 on Nantucket. Page's love of art was ignited by the remarkable personal collection of an aunt.  Gifted to the Frances The collection included important modern and contemporary artists and propelled Page's curiosity and excitement about art and artists.   Eventually becoming "The Page Bond Gallery",  Page Bond created a cherished institution and was loved as a great connector, linking artists to new and established collectors for 25 years. 
    In 2023, when Page Bond Gallery had transitioned to an online only format, Ashley Millen acquired the business and set out to continue Page's great legacy.  Like Page, Ashley's love and fascination with art began as an art history major in college.  Years spent graduallly building her personal connection led her to reconnect with Page, her childhood neighbor.  Through Page's thoughtful mentorship and guidance, she created a new vision for the future of the gallery.  Now known as Bond Millen Gallery, our hope, as always, is that the art we show sparks a sense of wonder and surprise for all.