Alex Bacon (b. 1995 in Denver, CO) is an artist who lives in Richmond, Virginia. He received his B.A. in anthropology from Bard College, and is pursuing an MFA in painting and printmaking at Virginia Commonwealth University. Working primarily through painting and drawing, his current practice takes from a background in sewing to explore subjectivity via the representation of human-made objects. Viaduct is part of a series of work that explores buildings and structures that have or appear to have an aura that only develops with age— a presence that built structures acquire over time, as they integrate with the environments they have been made to be a part of. As time sees these structures fade into the background, so, too, do the humans who walk past them give them less notice. The paintings are meant to challenge the viewer to see beauty in the brief, typically mundane, moments that make up most of a lifetime—the time spent neither here nor there, wandering to and fro, somewhere in between.