Index: A Group Exhibition

Jul 16 - Aug 21, 2020
  • Paolo Arao Crush on You (Diptych), 2019
    Paolo Arao
    Crush on You (Diptych), 2019
  • Paolo Arao Birds in Flight (No. 4), 2019
    Paolo Arao
    Birds in Flight (No. 4), 2019
  • Cudelice Brazelton Applique, 2020
    Cudelice Brazelton
    Applique, 2020
  • Roberto Jamora Blue Ridge Utopia, 2020
    Roberto Jamora
    Blue Ridge Utopia, 2020
  • Roberto Jamora And then there were three..., 2017
    Roberto Jamora
    And then there were three..., 2017
  • Roberto Jamora Miami, June 2019, 2020
    Roberto Jamora
    Miami, June 2019, 2020
  • Roberto Jamora Rural Parking Lots, 2020
    Roberto Jamora
    Rural Parking Lots, 2020
  • Samuel Levi Jones Deeper, 2017
    Samuel Levi Jones
    Deeper, 2017
  • Samuel Levi Jones Sold Ya, 2017
    Samuel Levi Jones
    Sold Ya, 2017
  • Debbi Kenote Lightning Whelk, 2020
    Debbi Kenote
    Lightning Whelk, 2020
  • Debbi Kenote Oriel Ojos, 2019
    Debbi Kenote
    Oriel Ojos, 2019
  • Debbi Kenote Snell's Window, 2019
    Debbi Kenote
    Snell's Window, 2019
  • Abigail Lucien A Song of Ascents, 2020
    Abigail Lucien
    A Song of Ascents, 2020
  • Abigail Lucien Shin Guard, 2018
    Abigail Lucien
    Shin Guard, 2018
  • Kaveri Raina Still, 2016
    Kaveri Raina
    Still, 2016
  • Pallavi Sen Jacket With Puff Sleeves, 2020
    Pallavi Sen
    Jacket With Puff Sleeves, 2020
  • Pallavi Sen Salad Bowl with Komatsuna, Bok Choi, Pak Choi, Mizuna, Yukina, Sorrento, 2020
    Pallavi Sen
    Salad Bowl with Komatsuna, Bok Choi, Pak Choi, Mizuna, Yukina, Sorrento, 2020
  • Pallavi Sen Skirt with Wide Hips, Elastic, 2020
    Pallavi Sen
    Skirt with Wide Hips, Elastic, 2020
  • Stanley Whitney Untitled, 2019
    Stanley Whitney
    Untitled, 2019