Here's The Thing: Laurie Fisher

Dec 10, 2020 - Jan 16, 2021

Page Bond Gallery is excited to announce our year end exhibitions, Here’s the Thing, with paintings by Laurie Fisher. Quoting the formal sensibilities of artists such as Josef Albers and Mark Rothko, Fisher imbues in her compositions a strong visual impact using color, saturation and shape to cofound positive and negative space. Her compositions spark a pure sense of being and suspension of thought, in which boundaries collapse and awareness arises. In her own words:

“Color is the subject, the process, and the means in my painting. [I see] color as a distilled visual experience, non-representational in form. Ultimately, I hope a painting will create a space, a gap, in which the thinking mind goes quiet – no associating, no remembering, no deciphering, no naming, no explaining – and instead sparks a wordless, visceral experience of aliveness through pure interaction with color and form, space and light.”

Laurie Fisher is a self-taught artist who lives and works in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. She earned her BA from Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA) in 1992, and her MA from Boston University in 1994. She has exhibited along the east coast for the past six years, and extensively in Maine. Fisher started exhibiting with Page Bond Gallery in 2018, and had her first solo show, Not for Wallflowers, with the gallery in 2019. Fisher’s work is included in many private and public collections including the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.