Color - Caste - Denomination: Will Berry

Feb 22 - Mar 20, 2019

Page Bond Gallery is pleased to present Color-Caste-Denomination: New Work by Will Berry at the Page Bond Gallery. The exhibitions open Friday, February 22 from 6 to 8PM and is on view through March 30, 2019.

“Concept and form operate in a germane manner in Berry’s oevre. Conceptually, his paintings are embedded with the affinities to cultural and personal processes (*). Formally, they fuse metallic pigments in layers that build a unique surface and support, one that substantiates the particular chemical qualities of each material; these mestizo-like expressions generate light as object paintings depending on the context as well as light from within.”

Victor Zamudio-Taylor, art writer and curator, Mexico City, 2013

“An identification with the history of the Americas, which brings me again and again to an investigation of mestizaje, the cultural and racial confrontation and blending that produced the current hybrid cultures of Indigenous, European, and African peoples throughout the Americas, a history of mixed blood, a new people.

Will received his MFA from Boston University, BA in Architecture from the University of Tennessee, and BA in English from Hampden Sydney College. His work is included in La Colección Jumex, Ecatepec, MX, Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsvillle, ALA, Museo Nacional de la Estampa, Mexico City, Tennessee State Museum, Bridgestone-Firestone Trust, Nashville, TN, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA