Fleet: Sarah Boyts Yoder

Jun 6 - Jul 3, 2019

Sarah Boyts Yoder’s new solo exhibition, FLEET, presents tropes of mortal reconciliation with the constant state of flux and fleeting moments that comprise our world at large. Using a visual lexicon of symbols that she has generated over time, Boyts Yoder’s colorful, abstracted works articulate how space extends and collapses all around us in liminal celebrations of cacophonous graffiti. She states, “A fleet of various icons and motifs provides points of focus in a world that all too often insists on inevitability and separateness.” These paintings offer instances of equilibrium in our chaotic environments, and by proxy, comment on the absurdity and endless possibility of meaning. Boyts Yoder thus sees her paintings as hopeful, contextual acts, and the mode of abstraction as a generous state of being. FLEET opens Thursday June 6th, 2019, and runs through June 27th with an artist’s reception on that closing date.

Sarah Boyts Yoder is a mixed media painter who currently lives and works in Charlottesville, VA. She received an MFA in painting from James Madison University in 2006, and her BFA from Eastern New Mexico University in 2003. Her work has been featured nationally in numerous publications and exhibitions, including at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art in 2017. In 2014, she was awarded a professional fellowship in painting from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and has twice been a fellow at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Boyts Yoder was awarded a residency at 100W Corsicana in 2017 and 2018. Upcoming in May, her exhibition, Look At All There Is To Have, opens in Sydney Australia.