Looking for a Trace: David Douglas

Sep 7 - 29, 2018

Page Bond Gallery is pleased to present Looking for a Trace: photographic work by David Douglas. The exhibitions open Friday, September 7 from 6 to 8PM and is on view through September 29.

David Douglas creates large-scale landscapes using a combination of photography, drawing, and painting. Pieces read as unified photographic images, but upon closer inspection, it becomes clear in the details that there’s a lot more at play. Douglas often layers dozens of photographs in each piece, blending all the different elements together by working and re-working areas with paints, varnishes, and drawing tools to create dream-like landscapes. It’s possible to get lost in the details of each piece, but take a step back and the landscape itself will transport you.

A native of Northern Virginia, David Douglas has works in numerous public, private, and corporate collections, including the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, the Chrysler Museum, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, and the Academy Art Museum. His work has been shown in various solo and group exhibitions in Virginia and beyond.