Paintings | Drawings | Prints: Peri Schwartz

May 4 - Jun 1, 2018

The Page Bond Gallery is pleased to present Paintings • Drawings • PrintsPeri Schwartz and VT -> NY: new paintings by Ryan Syrell opening Friday, May 4 from 6 to 8PM and running through June 1, 2018.

Within a practice that spans painting, drawing, and printmaking, New York-based Peri Schwartz primarily focuses her artistic inquiry on two subjects: her studio, and bottles and jars. For years Schwartz has treated her studio as a mutable still life, capturing the space and its contents in an ongoing investigation of color, light, and composition. She brings her studio alive on the canvas with semi-abstract swaths of color delineated by remnants of the charcoal grid she uses to map out the composition. The bottles and jars series, often etchings or monotypes, are quieter odes to color and the beauty of light interacting with glass. Her paintings, prints and drawings focus on composition and the interplay of color, light, and space.

Peri Schwartz received her BFA from Boston University’s School of Fine Arts and her MFA from Queens College. Her work is included in many public and private collections including the British Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Yale University. She lives and works in New York.

In Ryan Syrell‘s recent paintings, he creates a visual journal of memories from a week-long summer road trip from Vermont to New York. Through vivid color and enthusiastic gestural rendering, the paintings amplify and dramatize the seemingly mundane: driving in traffic, staring at a phone, preparing dinner. Syrell squeezes as many details, patterns, and textures onto a canvas as possible, “imbuing vitality into the everyday; seeking out, amplifying, and articulating beautiful moments without ignoring the pervasive anxiety of time.” The paintings are a welcome reminder to slow down, look up, and recognize the richness of the world around us.

Ryan received his BFA from SUNY Purchase and his MFA from VCU. He lives and works in Baltimore and teaches as an adjunct instructor in Painting